Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club :: Give Site

Disciple Bear's Mission

Fundraising Goal: $24,000
Amount Still Needed: $23,485

Disciple Bear!
He's Huge in Japan!!

Disciple Bear is huge just about everywhere. If you’ve ever stood next to him you’ll understand why. Just ask Disciple Guy Smilie.

Bear serves as the International Treasurer for Disciple Christian MC, and if you were to ask anyone in leadership he has helped shape a culture of transparency, accountability and financial responsibility for DCMC. His ability to take large scale financials and make them understandable to the brotherhood has been a breath of fresh air to the Presidents Board alone.

Disciple Bear has more then a decade of C-Level Non-Profit experience that he has brought with him to DCMC. Because of this experience he has blessed our DCMC Missionaries through his one on one fundraising strategies, with industry best practices in the forms of accounting, support tools, personal coaching, and daily disciplines. These strategies have seen our missions teams grow in not just financially but also in confidence.

"Disciple Bear's coaching and strategies turned my ministry around. I don't know where we'd be today without Bear's guidance," Disciple Vitamin.

Disciple Bear's knowledge base of non-profit industry partners has also saved DCMC tens of thousands of dollars over the past year. These savings are multiplied as he continues to use his relationships for the betterment of Disciple Christian MC.

Bear's Ministry Outside of DCMC

Cross Trail Outfitters is a ministry that Bear founded in the state of Illinois in 2010. He developed a solid foundation for this ministry that continues to grow today. CTO is a big part of his life, and he serves as the State Director for CTO of Illinois and at CTO's National Office as a C-Level leader.

It was CTO’s cornerstones: Building Men, Preserving our Heritage, and Sharing our Faith, which drew Bear to Cross Trail Outfitters. He saw Building Men as an opportunity to develop leaders and teach personal responsibility to a generation whose idea of manhood has been hijacked by entertainment, media, and lack of attentive fathers.

Preserving our Heritage he saw as an opportunity to share not only outdoor heritage, but also the heritage of our founding fathers and the documents on which our country was built. Bear cherishes helping all he comes in contact with to understand the original intent of the founding fathers.

Sharing our Faith in Jesus and helping answer some of life’s great questions through Scripture is an important part of Bear’s life, which is why he appreciated seeing these values reflected in CTO as well.

Outside of CTO, Bear has been sought after to help develop leaders in business, ministry, and athletics. It was during his time with World Wide Dream Builders he was given the opportunity to exchange ideas with leadership guru John C. Maxwell. Maxwell told Bear that he not only looked to him as a mentor but as a friend (Kind words Bear aspires to live up to daily). Bear continues leadership development to this day both in CTO and also through working with John Wright at Greyfield Legacies in St Joseph, IL. There he works with industry leaders and athletes, both collegiate and professional.

Bear was also an American Professional Wrestler for over twenty years. He retired from the international promotion ZERO1 Pro Wrestling.

When asked how he balances all of these responsibilities, “I see all of my roles working together as one. To me it is all one and the same calling I have in my life. God has put these opportunities before me to impact the lives of others. Whether I am doing that while wearing a DCMC hat, CTO hat, a ZERO1 hat, or even a Greyfield hat, I’m helping people come to the understanding of truth. Sometimes that truth is guiding them to Jesus, sometimes that truth is sharing with them about personal responsibility and self- defense, and sometimes that truth is helping them chase their dreams and realize how they can reach their unlived life by overcoming the river of resistance. All in all it’s about how I can encourage and equip people to be the best God has called them to be.”

Bear’s leadership development began while in Scouts and continued as he went through the scouting program, eventually earning the rank of Eagle Scout in 1996. It was during this time that Bear developed his passion for the outdoors including hunting, fishing, and conservation.

Bear graduated in 2001 from Trinity Christian College where he double majored in Theology and Christian Education with a minor in Music. He was ordained Reverend Eric G. St. Pierre in 2013 through Windsor Road Christian Church in Champaign, IL.

Bear is also currently working towards his Doctorate of Ministry with a concentration in Semitic languages.

Please take a moment and click the "Give" button up top to support our wonderful brother Bear St. Pierre!!

and remember...

Brotherhood Evolves Around Relationship