James Disciple Johnson

James Disciple Johnson is the Founder of Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club, an International group of Christian men whose focus is on bringing the light of Jesus Christ into the motorcycle club community on all six of the worlds inhabited continents.
James is also the Head Pastor over Disciple's Way Christian Coffee House, which has ordained local Disciple's Way biker churches in three countries.

He's an ordained Pastor under Bishop Theotus White of Zion Hopewell Full Gospel Ministries in Gilbert South Carolina, and has studied under Cedarville Christian University, and Rhema Bible College. James plays several musical instruments, has been a music Pastor, youth pastor, singles minister, as well as a head Pastor.

James travels for ministry extensively, carrying out the Great Commission found in Mark 16, setting up local charters of the MC, and biker churches.
James is a mentor, and a leader, whose focus is developing Christian leaders in the motorcycle community.
Sowing into his global ministry means that Christian men around the globe will have their souls ignited with a new fire and passion for Jesus and for creating Disciples.
And let us consider how to spur one another to love and to good works.
Hebrews 10:24

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