We have been given instructions to Go, Read, Explain, Baptize, and Spread. God has called us to this work and it is now my primary mission in life.
What do I mean by that?
While doing a study of Acts 8: 26 – 40, these five words where planted deep into my heart.
- Go. We cannot just be hearers of the Word. If we believe in our hearts, we need to confess with our mouths that Jesus is our Savior; and we need to go to all who have not yet heard, and even to those who have heard but do not yet believe. (Matthew 28: 18 - 20) Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Go does not mean we all need to leave where we are and go to foreign lands to proclaim the gospel, although some are called to do just that. Go means to turn to our neighbor, be it the person next door or the person half a world away. We need to be the beautiful feet that bring the good news everywhere we go. We cannot keep this news to ourselves we must speak it, live it, breath it. Every conversation we have should be sprinkled with the good news.
- Read. Just like the eunuch in Acts, we need to renew our minds everyday with the Word. We must study the Word so we can test everything we hear and discard the bad, evil, false material and cling to that which is good and profitable. 2 Tim 3:16 & 17 Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.
- Explain. This is twofold: firstly, we need to have the Word opened to us by the Holy Spirit. We need to ask for the wisdom and discernment to understand, deep in our hearts, the truth revealed to us in God’s Word. In Ephesians 1:17 Paul prays for ~ “spiritual wisdom and revelation~” Paul was asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word to us and to give us the wisdom we need to understand the truth. Secondly, we need to be ready to explain the Word of God to those who ask. Philip, by being obedient and explaining the prophecy, opened the eunuch up to salvation. It is tied with Read, for how can we explain if we do not know ourselves.
- Baptize. This is part of the great commission. Jesus commanded this of us in Matthew 28:19 & 20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” We must follow through when we have shared the gospel and the person believes and wants to be saved. We must give them the opportunity to put skin in the game and baptize them.
- Spread. In other words: continue, do not stop; the good news must be spread. To spread, we need to disciple those who have believed. We need to train them in the way of righteousness. We must reach as many people as possible, knowing we do not do this alone. Jesus is with us always, to the end of time. We need to spread the message so that all those who have heard and believed will be in the multitude that will be there when Jesus returns.
I have been a biker for a large part of my life and I took up riding again in 2010. Around that time I was saved (in Saudi Arabia). I bought a Harley but after a year or two I realized the motorcycle was becoming an idol. I had a choice, get rid of it or use it for Jesus. I sought out a Christian Motorcycle Club, Disciple Christian MC, whose mission is to disciple men to have daily Word and prayer time and to support the 1% world in prayer.
I have been involved with them since July 2016. During this time, God started calling me to mission full time. I resisted out of fear. In 2020, COVID happened and I was forced to work from home for 6 months. What a blessing this turned out to be as it solidified the call on my life. My wife confirmed it and has supported the decision wholeheartedly since then. We both resigned from our jobs and have stepped into a place of being fully reliant on God to provide for our needs so we can do the mission He has placed before us. We had started in Europe, to work with Disciple Christian MC to build an intentional community to disciple men to have a daily word and prayer time and to build relationships in the 1% biker scene. To Go, Read, Explain, Baptize and Spread the Kingdom of God into places that many people cannot enter. We will also attempt to plant churches wherever the Holy Spirit shows us to.
Our mission has expanded, we feel the call to set up Kingdom Centers throughout Africa.
The blueprint for the Kingdom Center is to have a church, a coffee shop, a bike service center, merchandise and anything that would make bikers feel welcome. But more than the stuff in the centers will be the people, people trained to disciple men to have a daily word and prayer time and to support the 1% world in prayer.
A place where bikers who have need, who are hurting, who are seeking God's peace can come and be ministered to by men dedicated to giving back to the community.
Men who have seen the darkness, have been saved from that darkness and who now want to be a light to those still caught in that darkness.
How can you help? First and foremost with prayer. We need people to partner with us in forwarding the Kingdom by praying for us, by praying for the mission, by praying for guidance, wisdom and protection.
Secondly, we need people or organizations to financially partner with us, we need many Jasons and Lydias in our lives. (Acts 17:7). Jason was the God fearing man who provided Paul and Silas a place to stay while they where in Thessalonika I heard a sermon in which a pastor said not everybody is to be missionaries but everybody can be a Jason. The reward received is exactly the same! The Apostle Paul, received a reward for his work...Jason received a reward too. No one part of the body is greater than another, all are called to use their talents, time, and treasures in different ways. So with that being said we need to raise support for the mission. While we appreciate one time donations we have been counseled by our mentors that a recurring monthly donation is the most efficient way to sustain the mission.
So would you considering partnering with us by committing to monthly donation of $100, $250 or $500, or whatever the Lord lays on your heart? Any help God puts on your heart for us we are be eternally grateful for.