Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club :: Give Site

Disciple Overfill's Mission


Disciple Overfill's Mission

Shade "Disciple Overfill" Ridolfo is the International Seargent at Arms for Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club, a Global organization whose mission is to Disciple men to have a daily word and prayer time and support the 1% world in prayer.                

 He is married to his wife Missy, and they have 4 wonderful children Coral, Kegan, Rafe, and Zephyr.  A family that because of Anger, Depression, and Addiction he almost lost!  In 2015 God intervened and changed his life.

Shade is now on a mission to bring the Love of Christ everywhere he goes.  Showing men how to build true, and authentic brotherhood through the Love of Christ all over the globe!  He has a true passion to help men build deep relationships with one another, with their spouse, and with their children. 

Sewing into Shade's mission allows him to encourage, empower, and build up men all over the world!  Helping them to take hold of the gifts the Lord has blessed them with, and truly, authentically step into the fullness of who God has called them to be!