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Dry Bones New Life Ministry

Dry Bones-New Life Ministry is an outreach to the homeless communities of Alabama. The mission statement is "To be the hands and feet of Jesus as we feed, clothe, and supply the needs of those on the streets. To bring new life to dry bones, to share the goodness of God in dark places." 

This Ministry is to show the ones that have lost hope that God restores hope. Through every meal, we put faith that God will also feed into those spiritually. We are building the kingdom with those that the world has deemed useless, because they are important in the kingdom.

I am Disciple NoDoubt, I have been married to my wife Chloe for two years. We have two amazing children, Colton and Madilyn. I would love to share the vision of our mission and the calling God has placed on my family and I. Before the beautiful wife and amazing children, I was homeless, an addict, and living in a state of turmoil in my own mind. I was hopeless, but GOD gave me hope. I was an addict, but GOD gave me freedom. I was lost in my thoughts, but GOD gave me a clear mind. The enemy attempted to destroy me, BUT GOD saved me. I am a living testimony that God restores brokenness. 

My wife and I have a mission to show the homeless, the broken, the addicts, and the hopeless that God is still restoring the broken. We believe that God is sending us to those dark places to bring new life. We are blessed to see the Lord work in "Dry Bones-New Life" ministries. 

Ezekiel 37:4-5

Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! 

We go into dark and hopeless situations on the streets. From the physical eye we see the pain, the depression, the loss of hope. But, in the spiritual realm, we see a valley of dry bones. We stand firm on the promise that God gives us the authority to speak a prophetic message & God will restore life again.